Bulletin # 120

Posted by: Editors  :  Category: News & Articles



Member Update- BULLETIN

Editorial Committee: Achilleas Adamantiades, Alex Economides, Christos Efthymiopoulos, Dean C. Lomis, Gerasimos Merianos, Panagiotis Siskos Contributing Editor: Evangelos Calamitsis Associate Editor: John Angelidis, Acting Editor: Costas Efthymiou

No. 120, August, 2014


By Achilles G. Adamantiades, Ph.D.

In accordance with our established editorial orientation, in this Bulletin issue, we analyze further themes of serious national and international concerns and having unusual economic and developmental value. For an update, we return to the theme of energy, particularly as it relates to geopolitics and impacts on the environment. A current review of these issues was made recently by our colleague Dr. Achilles G. Adamantiades, who presented it at the 2nd Hellenic Forum for Science, Technology, and Innovation at the Demokritos Research Center in Athens on July 3rd 2014. We are grateful to him for sharing it with the members and readers of the Hellenic Link Bulletin. Dr. Adamantiades’ Paper presentation had a broad, global perspective, but in substantial part it centered on recent developments in the Eastern Mediterranean. It was given in ‘Power Point,’ illustrated with a superbly documented series of color slides, under the title:

Energy Policy for Energy Security


To view the very enlightening digital presentation, please click on the title picture above.

As always, we will welcome comments on the above presentation from our readers.

We also invite our colleagues in the U.S.A. and elsewhere to contribute enlightening articles on themes of interest to Hellenism from their own work fields, for presentation via our electronic means of publication.

Costas Efthymiou

Feedback from the Community on the New Summer Course Instituted by Aristotle U.

We are very pleased to report that information we have received from various sectors of the Greek – American community indicates very encouraging enthusiastic responses  to the news of the establishment of a new summer program for instruction of Modern Greek language and culture to American and Greek-American students, at the level of higher education, by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (structure of the Program was presented in detail in the July (#119) issue of the Bulletin). So far, the Hellenic University Club and the Districts 4 and 5 of AHEPA have started concerted efforts to spread the news about the advantageous new program and to encourage its attendance by students in their locality. On the other hand, individual faculty members of U.S. colleges and universities are being apprised of the Program, so that they can competently advise students to include it in their academic course planning.

We hope that these efforts will be amplified in the next few months, so that the launching of this very important program in the summer 2015 can be an unmitigated success.

Notice to Members of the Hellenic Link, Inc.

As is known, election of a new Board of Directors is to be carried out as usual by mail,

again this year, according to the by-laws of the Association.

The appointed Election Committee has made the recommendation to postpone the balloting process until the end of the summer in order to avoid the disruptive difficulties in communication due to summer vacations, etc. The recommendation has been endorsed, and

the members will receive correspondence concerning the election procedure from the Committee  early in the Fall. It is again emphasized that the membership should be prepared to nominate suitable and willing- to- serve candidates for the Office of Director,

when they receive the relevant directive from the Election Committee.

It is also reminded that essential requirement for participating in the election is the fulfillment of Annual Dues payment.

The President and the Members of the Board wish to all members of the Hellenic Link, Inc. a healthy, refreshing, and physically as well as intellectually energetic summer.                                      Costas Efthymiou





Suite No. 278, 38-11 Ditmars Blvd, Astoria, New York 11105

Web Site: http://www.helleniclink.org Email: info@helleniclink.org

Contact Telephone: (718) 217- 0430


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